The village of El Vilosell, located at 700 meters over sea level, with a splendid landscape of scrubland and surrounded by forests, local vineyards and 20 foreign varieties, provides the ideal colour scheme to achieve fresh and elegant wines, always helped by the constant breeze and mild microclimate of the rocky land. The mountain properties are from the South of Lleida, bordering with the Conca de Barberà and El Priorat near the Monestir de Poblet and the Serra de Prades.
The manual harvest, the smooth work and the storage of the wines in French oak barrels, give us wine of international prestige and added value.
Our wines are: White Drac Màgic, Red Drac Màgic, Auzells, Llebre, Vilosell, Geol, Finca Racons, Finca La Serra and Finca Comabarra.
The cellar is located in the antique cooperative at the town square in a building designed for wine aging. It exports to 40 countries all over the world and has received high scores and awards in contests and specialized publications.
It also has a wine shop where you can get the wines that are elaborated in the four different cellars of the Tomàs Cusiné’s group.

Part of Tomàs Cusiné's team, from left to right: Carlos Mora, Export trade; Joel Díaz, head of Bodega; Tomàs Cusiné, president; Mireia González Antó, Director of Communication; Xavier Cepero Yeste, CEO and Gemma Plaza Teixidó, responsible for Production.